Sunday, April 09, 2017

Betrayal, anger, Gods Annointed feast- Passover! Bringing Freedom

Betrayal. A very serious sin in Gods eyes.
Betrayal in your relationship with Him or your relationship with your spouse (marriage contract) grieves the heart of God.

Sin can not be in the presence of God. So if we are struggling with ANGER and we do not purge that from our lives from our hearts, in our daily practice of life- we risk EVER being in the presence of the Lord! Judgement comes THE MOMENT YOU DIE!

The world would have you believe these things "are your right" because of.... (whatever excuse that can be twisted and applied) but we do not have the right- there is nothing right about it. 

 Passover is coming up. The evening of April 10th-18th. In the Older Covenant (old Testiment) all leaven (sin) was searched for and "cast into the fire" so that their homes were purified from "sin". God established His Appointed Times (Purim and Passover are the first two in the spring) so that we are REMINDED to purify our relationship with HIM and with OTHERS. Sin must be purged from our lives and the Spring Feasts help us to remember to do this.

Passover (not easter) is coming up. The evening of April 10th-18th. In the Older Covenant (old Testament) all leaven (sin) was searched for and "cast into the fire" so that their homes were purified from "sin". God established His Appointed Times (Purim and Passover are the first two in the spring) so that we are REMINDED to purify our relationship with HIM and with OTHERS.

Sin must be purged from our lives and the Spring Feasts help us to remember to do this. Man took took GODS Appointed Times away from us through threats, violence and lies. HE NEVER wanted us to forsake these events. THEY BRING LIFE, FREEDOM AND WISDOM for those who remember what they mean and apply their principles to their lives.

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