Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Update: We have moved and settling in

Update: We have been busy! We bought a new house in town and are still waiting for the perfect buyer of our home in the country. I have been so busy with all the changes that I have not posted on this group in awhile but today I hope to keep everyone updated here as well.
We were lead by God to: "seek a table for 10" and He lead us to a beautiful table within that same week. He then asked us to "open our house to others, to serve them and to disciple them". Since then we have opened our home every Friday night to Sabbath Supper and Fellowship.
Our group is not large but it is strong. We have been meeting for almost 2 years now. Some of the same folks come, sometimes there are new ones. During this time we have seen much growth, blessings, healings and ministering through study, song, prayer and fellowship.
This week marks the beginning of our In Awe of God fellowship starting our discipleship to include Torah Club from First Fruits of Zion. This discipleship program focuses on Biblical foundations from our Hebrew heritage, restoring Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) the Jewish people and Israel to the correct Biblical understanding. Yeshua was Jewish, our foundation of the Christian faith is Jewish and Israel will always be the "apple of Gods eye." We are "Messianic Followers" because we understand our Hebrew background and follow Messiah. We are learning and growing and invite everyone who wishes to be a disciple of Yeshua to reach out to us.
One thing we would like to say is that as we grow and learn our views on things will change.  Yeshua desires this.  We are to put off the old and put on the new.  That does not happen over night.  Understand changes as we learn.  That is the purpose of learning.  I will not remove any of my older posts but if you see a shift in understanding you will know it is because the Lord is leading us to a better way and usually a deeper knowledge of who He is and what He wants from our walk.
Halachah with God is not about rules and restrictions but about the journey from life without Him to LIFE WITH HIM.  This is our journey and you are invited to walk and talk as we go on the journey of becoming MORE LIKE HIM!  Shalom

Monday, April 09, 2018

Become all things to all men....

The false teaching of the adversary are all around us today and have many in bondage.
For example the idea we are to "become all things to all men" does not mean we lower the standards by which we live in order to witness to an unbeliever. We are not to compromise holding to and living out our lives ACCORDING TO HIS COMMANDMENTS in order to win someones soul to Christ. This is a common teaching from the seeker friendly believers and it will not be found as obedience to the commands.
People you are responsible for what you believe. No one will take your punishment for following the "broad and spacious path." and no one can claim your reward for being faithful to the commandments. Its all yours either way so time to step up to the line and start living what scriptures teach and not the filth that comes out of the mouths of men with philosophy as their god.

Confess... what does it mean?

The word confess means to admit even if you are embarrassed or ashamed. So when you confess to the Lord, He is faithful to forgive NO MATTER what the sin is. And remember all sins gain us the label of disobedient. The goal is to recognize our sin, confess to the Lord even if they are embarrassing and to be free from that sin. Repentance means to turn from that sin. So confess and turn! That is the only way to be forgiven. It was from the day Adam and Eve sinned until the end of millennium.... if we confess we are forgiven. Today we offer prayers and thanksgiving to God for accepting our confession and repentance. In the Old Testament they were instructed to also, after confession and forgiveness, to OFFER sacrifices of thanksgiving and offers of thanks for many things like sin and blessings. The sacrifices were never meant for forgiveness of sin but as thanksgiving offerings for Gods grace of forgiveness. Many do not understand this. I think it answers many questions. I hope all that you get from my posts is a stirring to bring you closer to the lord. If you dont agree with something I post it is your job to research it and look for Gods truth, not mans. Remember Yeshua/Jesus does not want us to follow man but HIM!

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Are you living a lie in your relationship with anyone, with God?

What does it mean-to live a lie? To live a lie in a relationship? To live a lie in our faith to God? It is obvious that this is a strong statement and we must not live a lie in ANY FASHION especially our faith.
Let me know how you feel about allowing a lie be part of our relationships to each other and to God.
Be nice please. We come together to strengthen and endure, not to tear down.
And loving someone DOES NOT MEAN lying to them because that is what they WANT to hear. It is always right to loving speak the truth for ONLY TRUTH can SET US FREE. Free from what?????? The lies of Satan -that are everything from wanting to Be like God to not being loved enough by God.
NO MORE LIES!! LIVE YOUR LIFE with truth. Choose to NOT live A LIE!

 The world is deceived but so are believers. Few will find the "narrow gate and narrow road". What can this mean other than many will go about convinced they are on the right path. Our gospel is so full of "love one another" that obedience is considered judgement and harsh. He is the judge so our conduct will matter. He will judge more than the heart for even unbelievers can love , be kind, show peace and mercy and so on. What we do with that love must show through. A true love will. But love is also on that spacious road. That is how many are deceived. Which path WILL HAVE TRUTH??? I don't believe will. I think truth is vital. It is the only road that leads to Him. Hope you can see my point. We are not to do as the nations do.... with any gods that suit them, with any false teaching that suit them, with traditions of men that suit them. When do we stop acting like the nations and become set apart. Israel, gods chosen people fell short so many times. MOST OFTEN because they fell into the "ways of the nation" they simulated into the culture. We must not simulate into our culture today. I am only promoting what scripture says and how the first century disciples would have lived it. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Otherwise we are not living as if we are followers but creating our own. Men have done some really evil things. Satan is subtle and will let man run away with His own desires. The lie Satan told eve was truth mixed with LIES! It was subtle but it worked. We are to be on guard for all the subtle ways Satan loves to use to separate us from God.
Jesus did not come to give a free pass to do whatever we want as long as we claim His name. He can to show how to understand scripture correctly. That means IT MATTERS! Many will think they got it right but He will say they have it all wrong.
So does today after or does it matter only the day I die as to my heart condition or my actions as a follower? Anyone who is looking to tomorrow to be right with God is living another one of Satan lies. He has given us today. He is touching pur hearts everyday just waiting to hear us cry out to Him. It's not a game. It all matters. Someone who has found the truth and desires to keep it will have peace and conviction to follow through and know that what we suffer here that brings us closer to Him is what also refines us.
So it all matters. God will not share his worship with other gods or traditions of men. Great place to start considering what really matters.
 From Facebook 4-4-18

Baal worship all over the place, and especially in our churches. I just watched a prominent female preacher that encourages Baal activities. The structure of Babylon and its corresponding Baal worship has returned, and will continue to escalate. We are truly living in a the culture that will say, "Lord, Lord look at all we've done for you." And He will say to that culture, "Get away from Me I never knew you!" Lawlessness will abound in the last days. God describes holiness and righteousness from Genesis 1 thru the end of Revelation. And the Church looks more like the world than Jesus Christ! Maybe that is why Jesus wondered if any faith would be found when He returned.
A form of Godliness, but deny His power of transformation. I love it when people justify away God's precepts. They want to look and act like the world. Shame on her for being a false teacher. Leading astray the little ones! Holiness is an internal and external commitment. God knows your heart, your fruit is evidence of your heart's condition.
Wayne North

 Wayne:  You and I are crying out with the same message. I confirm you and you confirm me. So why is the people in the "churches" still standing still? I believe we deliver the message and then move forward to the ones who want to move forward. Dust off our feet to the ones that want to stand still for the Spirit is still working on them. But since we keep having to bottle feed them, then never grow and we never move on to feed the meat to the ones looking to grow stronger. I think it is time to stop bottle feeding and leave that to the Lord and move to the disciplining which IS THE JOB HE LEFT FOR US! I am ready. Anyone willing to go from all talk to more action.... I am ready.

Why is breaking one commandment like breaking them all?

Why is breaking one commandment like breaking them all?
Because disobedience is not measured by "the sin" but by the heart condition.
Our heart condition is not labeled by "the sin" but by the act....DISOBEDIENCE. Any heart that has not repented of that sin is considered disobedient and will be judged as such.
So breaking even one is like breaking all.... it puts you in the same boat... being disobedient.
We don't want to be found disobedient. We want to be found faithful!! We want to reject sin and its consequences so that we may be found holy, set apart, righteous.
Many say you cant be righteous. That is not true. Satan wants you to believe that to defeat you. All it takes for us to be found righteous is a heart that is repentant and turns from sin.
As we grow in our understanding of God and His son Yeshua we become familiar with what SIN IS and can reject it, turn from it and not act on it. Sin is ALL DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD.
If we have acted on sin, been disobedient, then we repent and make steps to never repeat the offense. This is the heart that will be found faithful.
So if you study and are convicted to make change, it is the Lord guiding you to do so. If you read or speak with someone who shows you the standards of God you have the choice to use that moment to make a change back to obedience.
A stubborn heart is one that does not seek what God wants but what the flesh of man wants. God wants a heart that seeks after Him. One that is holy and set apart. Amen

Hypothetical situation.... or it it?? By Wayne North

From Wayne North
Hypothetical situation, that many will encounter unless ...
Someone: "But Lord, you didn't say I had to go to church, or Bible Study, or worship, or any other works to be saved. I am saved by a grace that requires nothing from me. I was busy with my family, job, retirement, hobbies, friends and making myself happy. You seem to want us happy, so I wanted to be that for you! Besides, you know my heart. I am a pretty good person. I give money. I help when asked. I attend a church most of the time. I'm not as bad as that 'Wayne North'!"

Jesus replied, "I also said you don't have to go to heaven either! You've made room in your heart and schedule for what you worship. You've loved yourself more than Me, My Father and My Church. My grace was to empower you to not be saved, but to be transformed to be holy. I command you to be holy and obedient. My grace empowers you live a righteous life and grants forgiveness when you fall short. I longed for a deep relationship with you. You were to meet with the rest of my 'family' as often as you could. You were to grow together. I am not a condiment to add to your life. I must become your life!

But, you chose to have a deep relationship with the world. She was not just your mistress, but your true love! I came third in your life after you and the world. So, therefore I never knew you. You were suppose to be no longer under the consequences of the law. By putting on the sacrifice, character and life of Christ, I enable you to be more than overcomers. You were called and equipped to live lives worthy of the Gospel. My justice demands perfection. If you would have followed Christ, put on Christ and picked up your cross as you died for yourself, you would have attained this perfection thru Christ. But, you chose the world. Now enter into reaping what you chased after in the world, with the world and with its prince - satan."
... before you meet Christ as your judge, meet Him as your Lord and Savior!

My comment:
I love this. You are so right. Many have the idea grace, mercy and love means we can act as WE want to. Man has messed up the true message mans thinking.... which someone coined stinking thinking! I am with you brother Wayne North. And with messages like this... calling out for repentance.... i believe the Lord would be pleased.
Let us all not be afraid to embrace our Lord fully, without anything between our hearts and Him. We must begin to clean out the worldly thoughts of how we think God is or should be and dig into the word and see the truth. Move people! Standing still. Knee deep in the world will be your reward! If you want to have kingdom rewards then think like a member OF the kingdom!

4-4-18 Pesach, Passover What does it mean?

Image result for free pictures of passover
 Pesach... ( PASSOVER in Hebrew)                                                             
Easter... (blending of time of PASSOVER with pagan God of sex and fertility)

Do you know the Passover story? The true story without the rabbit and eggs?
It is the story of Gods people being set free from over 400 years of SLAVERY.

PASSOVER to us should be a remembrance of that salvation from bondage....and so scripture reminds us.... in every generation, and every day, we must see ourselves as if we had, that day been liberated from Egypt.
The implication is that freedom was not won once and for all. It needs constant guarding. And that everyday and every environment carries it's own equivalent of "Egypt." A power that undermines our freedom to be saved and loved by our God.

Read Exodus 20: 1-6. "And God spoke all these words...." You will see that in the ten commandments:
God reminds the people to NEVER FORGET HE is the one who brought them out of Egypt...
Have No other gods before HIM....
Make no other gods in the form OF ANYTHING.. God is jealous and punishes disobedience(and the consequence reaches for generations) and loves those who love HIM and keep HIS commandments....

Tell me, how far off is the world in REMEMBERING WHO brought us out? How any of us have many "gods" that we place in priority "before God?" How many of us live lives that reflect knowing OUR GOD is a jealous GOD? How long do we have to live in sin before we remember that every action we take has consequences FOR GENERATIONS.... good and bad? How long until believers start proving they are "saved through repentance" and live A CHANGED LIFE??? How long until this world is judged because man decided he did not have to live by HIS COMMANDMENTS ANY LONGER?
The second part of the story reflects the first. Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) saved us from bondage, provided an escape by WHICH WE MUST CHOOSE AND ACT in order to be "passed over" on judgement day. He gave us a guidebook (the scriptures) to guide us through life so THAT WE MAY BE HOLY, resisting sin and set apart from those who do not love Him. If we are not SET APART FROM those who hate Him then we do not love Him.
Yeshua came to save but to be save you must recognize you need saving, work with the one saving you not fight HIM and then live by making choices THAT KEEPS YOU SAVED. Grace will not save you if you keep returning to Egypt of your own free will. It is NOT once saved always saved. Unless your LIFE REFLECT REPENTANCE AND TRANSFORMATION, you are likely NOT saved. It's not a title you can claim it is a lifestyle that brings you into deep relationship with your SAVIOR.
So how long until we wake up and clean up our worship and live changed lives? Satan is the accuser. Each day we live for ourselves for ourselves and not for God is another day the accuser has a full day of evidence against us. It is his accusations that bring judgement.... our not trusting and obeying that will be the evidence presented.

Any day can be the day any one of us dies.... And that my friend is our judgement day.

Let us turn our hearts away from the world and it's lusts, self desires and back to God. That is what being saved is truly about.
We need help everyday keeping our focus On HIM. That is WHY we pray, why we study, why we have others living godly lives IN OUR lives. He does not need our prayers.... We do! It helps us keep our focus. Same with study. He does not need us to study... WE need it.
Every moment we have -every breath is a chance to turn from our sins and Overcome. Repent and grow in HIM. How many breaths do we have? Only God knows.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Called to be Righteous!

Did you know we can be RIGHTEOUS??? The world and satan would like to beat us down and say we can not obtain "righteousness" but why would our loving God call us to be righteous if we cant obtain it???
I have found 93 scriptures that mention righteousness. Many talk about Gods righteousness and we should note these as calls to reflect His righteousness.
BUT THERE ARE 64 SCRIPTURES that call US to BE righteous!!! So if you are saved and are following Gods ways in your life you can be righteous!. Yes we sin and then we repent and we can STRIVE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. It is a blessing, it brings blessings. It is on my heart to live RIGHTEOUSLY.... not because it saves me but BECAUSE I FOUND RIGHTEOUSNESS IN HIM because HE SAVED ME and I want my life to reflect my hearts desire.
We are being refined, tested and equipped here on earth. For what you might ask???? To prepare us for the Millennium. The 1000 years were we will be teaching others what we have learned so they too can be equipped to overcome satan when he is let out one last time.....
We will not be perfect but in Him we are "made white as snow" and righteous in His eyes THROUGH REPENTANCE. Repentance is recognizing our sin, being whole-heart sorry and then turning from sin. Conquering sin!! Overcoming temptations. Being stronger than our fleshly desires. Turning to prayer and study so that we can grow and continue to conquer, overcome.
Better is never to have sinned than to have to repent. When we overcome we have less sin and less to repent for. Sin becomes less attractive, easier to turn from.
Hey if all you want is a comfortable religious experience here, go for it. But as for my hearts desire I want to do what is pleasing to the Lord and have eternal benefits, rather than live now for comfort and pleasure.
Seek FIRST the KINGDOM of GOD!! and all other (things worth having like eternal life with God) will be added unto you.
None of us will enter the Kingdom of God if our hearts are clinging to the things of the world. It is very clear in scripture what God wants us to strive for and what He commands us to stay away from. Pray with all your heart that He reveals to you how to go from Glory to Glory... how to grow closer to Him in each new lesson you learn, sin you overcome and experience you share in Him. Shalom