Pesach... ( PASSOVER in Hebrew)
Easter... (blending of time of PASSOVER with pagan God of sex and fertility)
Do you know the Passover story? The true story without the rabbit and eggs?
It is the story of Gods people being set free from over 400 years of SLAVERY.
PASSOVER to us should be a remembrance of that salvation from bondage....and so scripture reminds us.... in every generation, and every day, we must see ourselves as if we had, that day been liberated from Egypt.
The implication is that freedom was not won once and for all. It needs constant guarding. And that everyday and every environment carries it's own equivalent of "Egypt." A power that undermines our freedom to be saved and loved by our God.
Read Exodus 20: 1-6. "And God spoke all these words...." You will see that in the ten commandments:
God reminds the people to NEVER FORGET HE is the one who brought them out of Egypt...
Have No other gods before HIM....
Make no other gods in the form OF ANYTHING.. God is jealous and punishes disobedience(and the consequence reaches for generations) and loves those who love HIM and keep HIS commandments....
Tell me, how far off is the world in REMEMBERING WHO brought us out? How any of us have many "gods" that we place in priority "before God?" How many of us live lives that reflect knowing OUR GOD is a jealous GOD? How long do we have to live in sin before we remember that every action we take has consequences FOR GENERATIONS.... good and bad? How long until believers start proving they are "saved through repentance" and live A CHANGED LIFE??? How long until this world is judged because man decided he did not have to live by HIS COMMANDMENTS ANY LONGER?
The second part of the story reflects the first. Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) saved us from bondage, provided an escape by WHICH WE MUST CHOOSE AND ACT in order to be "passed over" on judgement day. He gave us a guidebook (the scriptures) to guide us through life so THAT WE MAY BE HOLY, resisting sin and set apart from those who do not love Him. If we are not SET APART FROM those who hate Him then we do not love Him.
Yeshua came to save but to be save you must recognize you need saving, work with the one saving you not fight HIM and then live by making choices THAT KEEPS YOU SAVED. Grace will not save you if you keep returning to Egypt of your own free will. It is NOT once saved always saved. Unless your LIFE REFLECT REPENTANCE AND TRANSFORMATION, you are likely NOT saved. It's not a title you can claim it is a lifestyle that brings you into deep relationship with your SAVIOR.
So how long until we wake up and clean up our worship and live changed lives? Satan is the accuser. Each day we live for ourselves for ourselves and not for God is another day the accuser has a full day of evidence against us. It is his accusations that bring judgement.... our not trusting and obeying that will be the evidence presented.
Any day can be the day any one of us dies.... And that my friend is our judgement day.
Let us turn our hearts away from the world and it's lusts, self desires and back to God. That is what being saved is truly about.
We need help everyday keeping our focus On HIM. That is WHY we pray, why we study, why we have others living godly lives IN OUR lives. He does not need our prayers.... We do! It helps us keep our focus. Same with study. He does not need us to study... WE need it.
Every moment we have -every breath is a chance to turn from our sins and Overcome. Repent and grow in HIM. How many breaths do we have? Only God knows.
Easter... (blending of time of PASSOVER with pagan God of sex and fertility)
Do you know the Passover story? The true story without the rabbit and eggs?
It is the story of Gods people being set free from over 400 years of SLAVERY.
PASSOVER to us should be a remembrance of that salvation from bondage....and so scripture reminds us.... in every generation, and every day, we must see ourselves as if we had, that day been liberated from Egypt.
The implication is that freedom was not won once and for all. It needs constant guarding. And that everyday and every environment carries it's own equivalent of "Egypt." A power that undermines our freedom to be saved and loved by our God.
Read Exodus 20: 1-6. "And God spoke all these words...." You will see that in the ten commandments:
God reminds the people to NEVER FORGET HE is the one who brought them out of Egypt...
Have No other gods before HIM....
Make no other gods in the form OF ANYTHING.. God is jealous and punishes disobedience(and the consequence reaches for generations) and loves those who love HIM and keep HIS commandments....
Tell me, how far off is the world in REMEMBERING WHO brought us out? How any of us have many "gods" that we place in priority "before God?" How many of us live lives that reflect knowing OUR GOD is a jealous GOD? How long do we have to live in sin before we remember that every action we take has consequences FOR GENERATIONS.... good and bad? How long until believers start proving they are "saved through repentance" and live A CHANGED LIFE??? How long until this world is judged because man decided he did not have to live by HIS COMMANDMENTS ANY LONGER?
The second part of the story reflects the first. Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) saved us from bondage, provided an escape by WHICH WE MUST CHOOSE AND ACT in order to be "passed over" on judgement day. He gave us a guidebook (the scriptures) to guide us through life so THAT WE MAY BE HOLY, resisting sin and set apart from those who do not love Him. If we are not SET APART FROM those who hate Him then we do not love Him.
Yeshua came to save but to be save you must recognize you need saving, work with the one saving you not fight HIM and then live by making choices THAT KEEPS YOU SAVED. Grace will not save you if you keep returning to Egypt of your own free will. It is NOT once saved always saved. Unless your LIFE REFLECT REPENTANCE AND TRANSFORMATION, you are likely NOT saved. It's not a title you can claim it is a lifestyle that brings you into deep relationship with your SAVIOR.
So how long until we wake up and clean up our worship and live changed lives? Satan is the accuser. Each day we live for ourselves for ourselves and not for God is another day the accuser has a full day of evidence against us. It is his accusations that bring judgement.... our not trusting and obeying that will be the evidence presented.
Any day can be the day any one of us dies.... And that my friend is our judgement day.
Let us turn our hearts away from the world and it's lusts, self desires and back to God. That is what being saved is truly about.
We need help everyday keeping our focus On HIM. That is WHY we pray, why we study, why we have others living godly lives IN OUR lives. He does not need our prayers.... We do! It helps us keep our focus. Same with study. He does not need us to study... WE need it.
Every moment we have -every breath is a chance to turn from our sins and Overcome. Repent and grow in HIM. How many breaths do we have? Only God knows.
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